Well, this is awkward. You’ve just been served a real-life copy-heavy product placement “ad” on an advertising portfolio site. A real jerk move. But let’s say hypothetically 1. You could use a kick-ass accountant who specializes in the creative industry, 2. You want to keep more of the money you’ve earned by itemizing purchases specific to advertising, and 3. You’d like to replace the dread of an impending mid-April deadline with something more akin to tingly anticipation. Still reading? Then this may ultimately be your favorite ad, out of all the ads, on this site. And that honestly stings a bit. But, thankfully, my industry experience has led me to grow skin thicker than this paragraph … which serves to conceal my tender underbelly beneath a pasty, easily sunburned facade of “idgaf” nonchalance. #darwinism